I walked away. I fell hard on the road, and learned how to
pick myself up again. I bandaged my scrapes with college ruled gauze, and
learned how to keep on walking. Sunshine and moonshine, dirt and grass, I
learned fast how be the love I needed. Hello, Goodbye, and everything between
blurred together on blood-soaked pages, and once walking was just too much to
bear, I crawled. Starving. Exhausted. Blood-soaked and ink stained. Striving on
in the hope of discovering something.
Anything. Driven by an immense, vast,
force, towards… what? Darkness? The comfort of the unknown? Once upon a dusty
dream, we ruined ourselves with smoke and alcohol and lust. Now we drag ourselves
on. Because on is the only way to go. Because I’ve learned nothing if not how to
say goodbye.
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