Tuesday, January 27, 2015


I miss the moon. I miss feeling liquid life coursing through my veins. I miss happiness stealing the breath from my lungs. And I miss you.

Once upon a time, a girl stood at the edge of her world, and stared into the distance. She was starved for a dream, breathless from not knowing what she was fighting for.

The thing I best remember is feeling the ground underneath my feet. I didn’t care about the blisters, the sunburns, the sweat, or exhaustion, or the weight of my ragged backpack. As long as I could feel the ground wearing away at the soles of my shoes, as long as I just took one more step, everything would be okay.

And the fucking roads I walked. You have no idea. They stretch on endlessly, reaching deep into the sky, on and on and on and on and on.

I felt invincible. I had the sun in my veins and the stars in my heart. I was writing a story with my steps—my story. Everyone and everything were characters, I was living my story, writing my life. And, if you really want to know, that’s how I survived. Because survival was the story I wrote.

Time after time, in Spanish, in German, in Croatian, in Polish…but mostly in broken English, people told me I was brave. People told me to be careful.

Somewhere along the way, I think we forgot what careful means. We forgot what beware means. We forgot how to live. The closest thing to life we get is j-walking or slipping on the stairs, and all the while, the parents and politicians and professors drone on and on and on, and the authors and actors and directors drone on and on and on, and we are suffocating, deteriorating, dying, drowning in information but starving for knowledge, bombarded with lessons but ravenous for experience. Experience that the world tells us is too dangerous to try.

Beware. Beware the murderers and psychopaths, the rapists and thieves. Beware the liars, the manipulators.
Be aware. They exist.
Be aware. They are not the world.
I want to scream. I want to walk up to the mindless masses, walking around this campus in their hunter boots and barbour jackets, squealing over their drunken indiscretions, tearing their hair out because of a psychology test, crying over their boyfriend or girlfriend. Don’t they know? Don’t they know that none of it matters in any way? Not when the entire world is at their fingertips. But they are content to sit. But so am I. Well…not content. Not by a long shot.